
The story of Andrese Klaasi AS dates back to 1995, when Andrese Klaasi & Dekoori AS was established. It laid the foundations for glass-processing. Over the years we have remained continuously innovative: we have been developing producing and distributing glass doors for saunas for years; chemically matted glass is another of our innovations that has gone into production. Today our development projects include glass that changes from transparent to non-transparent and other innovative products.

In 2007 we changed our business name to a simpler form – Andrese Klaasi AS. Andrese Klaasi AS used to form part of the Andrese Grupp, but in 2009 members of management acquired majority shares, and today Andrese Klaasi AS operates as an autonomous plant. Due to these changes in ownership the vision of the company has become clearer, because the interests of Andrese Klaasi AS now guide it.

Clarity starts with focus and ends with the defining of desired results that are designed to achieve a specific target which is unambiguous and unequivocal. Diversity of objectives creates confusion. We used to set ourselves too many objectives, because they all seemed important. Today we seek to base our activities on the most important, most fundamental objectives – our experience, and the knowledge we have acquired. Our vision is to be an innovator in the development of new products. We want to be the type of company that deals with interesting challenges, and offers its customers new solutions.